Kensington Little League Baseball

Safety Plan

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Safety Officer - Cynthia Gibbs

1995, ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) was introduced with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of Safety Officer "to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball". In order to be an ASAP-compliant league, a Little League approved Safety Plan must be filed with Williamsport.

Kensington Little League Baseball Safety Plan

The goal of the Safety Plan is to develop guidelines for increasing the safety of activities, equipment, and facilities through education, compliance and reporting. In support of the attainment of this goal, Kensington Little League Baseball also commits itself to providing the necessary organizational structure to develop, monitor, and enforce the aspects of the plan.

The Safety Plan, by reference, includes the Kensington Little League Baseball's Safety Code, the Kensington Little League Baseball's Code of Conduct, and the Kensington Little League Baseball's Safety Manual. The combination of these documents outlines specific safety issues and the Kensington Little League Baseball's policy or procedure for each issue. All participants, volunteers, employees, spectators, and guests are bound by the guidelines set forth in these documents.

Safety Officer

One of the elected members on this Board is the Safety Officer. For the 2008 season, the elected Safety Officer is Cynthia Gibbs. This individual acts as Kensington Little League Baseball's primary point of contact for the creation and enactment of the Safety Plan. The Safety Officer authors or modifies the League's Safety Plan, Code of Conduct, Safety Code, and Safety Manual each year, as necessary. The Safety Officer is also required to complete the Annual Little League Facility survey yearly and submit it to Little League. These documents are then presented to the Board for approval and ratification (usually in February or March) for the upcoming season.

The Safety Officer is also responsible for a safety presentation and reviewing the leagues Code of Conduct during Kensington Little League Baseball’s yearly Parent Orientation meeting.

 The ultimate responsibility for ensuring compliance of the Safety Plan lies with the Safety Officer. Because of the size of Kensington Little League Baseball, and to provide more width to the enforcement of the plan, the following individuals are tasked with ensuring the overall Safety Plan compliance with respect to the level-of-play specified below:

  • President: Jerry Bailey, Jr.
  • 1st Vice President: Mary Nathan
  • 2nd Vice President: Leah Hunter
  • Player Agent: John Seay
  • Secretary: Barbara Thomas
  • Safety Officer: Cynthia Gibbs
  • Baseball Commissioner: Marcellus Bragg
  • T-Ball Commissioner: Cynthia Gibbs

Rules Committee

This committee, consisting of the League President, the Commissioner of Baseball, and the Commissioner of T-Ball, is responsible for drafting any proposed new or modified Local Rules for Kensington Little League Baseball. Areas such as competitive balance, player participation, speed of play, and safety are discussed and any changes or additions are presented to the Board for discussion and/or ratification. Each and every year, this committee evaluates existing Local Rules and considers any necessary changes and/or additions to these rules

Volunteer Background Check

All Volunteers in Kensington Little League Baseball shall give permission for the Little League organization to conduct a background check using the Little League Volunteer Application, which may include a review of criminal, sex abuse, and child abuse records maintained by governmental agencies. All volunteers understand that if appointed, their position is conditional upon the league receiving no inappropriate information on their background. Every volunteer shall release and agree to hold harmless from liability the local Little League, Little League Baseball, Incorporated, the officers, employees and volunteers thereof, or any other person or organization that may provide such information. I also understand that regardless of previous appointments I may not be appointed to a volunteer position. If appointed all volunteers are subject to suspension by the President and removal by the Board of Directors.

Code of Conduct

The Kensington Little League Baseball Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Board of Directors. The Safety Officer, the League President, and the League Vice President enforce this Code. All league officers, participants, employees and volunteers are required to abide by this code. It is the job of the Safety Officer to author and/or make any revisions to this Code of Conduct from year to year, as necessary.

Kensington Little League Baseball Code of Conduct

  • Use or possession of any alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited at any division of Kensington Little League, Inc. This includes all occasions while engaged at KLLB activities regardless of location.
  • Glass or metal containers (except those associated with the normal operation of the facility) are prohibited due to safety, littering and equipment damage considerations.
  • Everyone is responsible for ensuring that all debris is placed in containers as provided.
  • Property abuse will not be tolerated. This shall include all team equipment and facilities.
  • Careless and reckless driving is strictly prohibited. Drive carefully around the ball park area. Children are moving about and may not be alert to any danger. Please park in designated parking areas and be courteous to private residents. Vehicles parked illegally are subject to being ticketed or towed by local law enforcement. 
  • Horseplay is prohibited. This includes fighting.
  • Batting or throwing against backstops or fences is prohibited due to damage considerations. Climbing over or on fences and backstops is prohibited due to safety and damage considerations. Any player observed abusing these assets of the facility shall be subject to suspension the next game.
  • Verbal abuse, threatening or profane language directed towards anyone will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or termination of membership.
  • Parents/ Guardians shall supervise non-participating children at all times while on the premises.
  • All riding toys including trail bikes, skateboards and roller blades are prohibited on the fields.
  • Pets are prohibited on the fields.
  • KLLB is not responsible for personal injury or damage to any motor vehicle while on league property.
  • No one is allowed on the playing field or in dugout during games. Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted.
  • Please respect all reasonable directives from league personnel.

Safety Code

The Kensington Little League Baseball Safety Code has been adopted by the Board of Directors and is enforced by the Safety Officer, the League President, and the League Vice President. All league officers, participants, employees and volunteers will receive a copy of the safety plan and are required to abide by this code.

It is the job of the Safety Officer to make any revisions to the Safety Code from year to year, as necessary.

Kensington Little League Baseball Safety Code

  • Responsibility for safety procedures should be that of all adult members of KLLB.
  • Arrangements should be made in advance of all games and practices for emergency medical services
  • Managers, coaches and umpires should have training in first aid. First-aid kits are issued to each team manager and are located at each concession stand.
  • No games or practices should be held when weather or field conditions are not good, particularly when lighting is inadequate.
  • Managers, coaches and/or umpires will inspect and check play area before practices and games for holes, damage, stones, glass and other foreign objects.
  • All team equipment should be stored within the team dugout, or behind screens, and not within the area defined by the umpires as "in play".
  • All member s of Kensington Little League Baseball will be provided badges to identify themselves.
  • Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during games and practice sessions.
  • Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field of play should be that of a player assigned for this purpose or the team's manager and coaches.
  • Procedure should be established for retrieving foul balls batted out of playing area.
  • During practice and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.
  • During warm-up drills players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.
  • Equipment should be inspected regularly for the condition of the equipment as well as for proper fit and request replacements for that equipment not meeting standards. 
  • In the off-season it is the responsibility of the President, Safety officer and commissioner to insure all equipment not meeting standards is replaced.
  • Batters must wear Little League approved protective helmets during batting practice and games.
  • Catcher must wear catcher's helmet, mask, throat guard, long model chest protector, shin guards and protective cup with athletic supporter at all times (males) for all practices and games. NO EXCEPTIONS. Managers should encourage all male players to wear protective cups and supporters for practices and games.
  • Except when runner is returning to a base, head first slides are not permitted.
  • During sliding practice, bases should not be strapped down or anchored.
  • At no time should "horse play" be permitted on the playing field · Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide "safety glasses"
  • Player must not wear watches, rings, pins or metallic items during games and practices.
  • The Catcher must wear catcher's helmet and mask with a throat guard in warming up pitchers. This applies between innings and in the bull-pen during a game and also during practices.
  • Managers and Coaches may not warm up pitchers before or during a game.
  • On-deck batters are not permitted (except in the Juniors Division).
  • All pre-game warm-ups should be performed within the confines of the playing field and not within areas that are frequented by, and thus, endanger spectators (i.e., playing catch, pepper, swinging bats, etc.)

Injury Reporting Procedures

The following reporting procedures should be used by all managers, coaches, parents, umpires, and volunteers concerning injuries.

What to report

An incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the Safety Officer. The terms "medical treatment and/or first aid" should include even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury. Any incident that (a) causes a player to miss any practice or game time; or (b) any event that has the potential to require medical assistance must be reported promptly.

When to report

All such incidents described above must be reported to the Safety Officer within 48 hours of the incident. The Safety Officer for 2008, Cynthia Gibbs can be reached at the following:

Day and Evening Phone: 716.852.0668
Cell: 716.602.KLLB

How to make the report

Reporting incidents can come in a variety of forms. Most typically, they are telephone conversations. At a minimum, the following information must be provided:

  • The name and phone number of the individual involved (or of their parents)
  • The date, time, and location of the incident · As detailed a description of the incident as possible
  • The preliminary estimation of the extent of any injuries
  • The name and phone number of the individual reporting the incident.

Safety Officer's Responsibilities

The Safety Officer will receive this injury report and will enter it into the league's safety database. Within 48 hours of receiving the incident report, the Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party's parents and

  1. Verify the information received;
  2. Obtain any other information deemed necessary;
  3. Check on the status of the injured party; and
  4. In the event that the injured party required other medical treatment (i.e., Emergency Room visit, doctor's visit, etc.) will advise the parent or guardian of the Kensington Little League Baseball's insurance coverage’s and the provisions for submitting any claims for reimbursement.

If the extent of the injuries is more than minor in nature, the Safety Officer shall periodically call the injured party to

  1. Check on the status of any injuries, and
  2. To check if any other assistance is necessary in areas such as submission of insurance forms, etc. until such time as the incident is considered "closed" (i.e., no further claims are expected and/or the individual is participating in the league again).

General Health

Physical Exams

With regard to the general health of its participants, Kensington Little League Baseball includes the following wording in its Registration Booklet:

"While physical exams are not required by league policy, National Little League strongly recommends that participants be in good general health. If your child has a physical impairment that the league should be aware of, PLEASE note the information on the registration form, and contact your leagues' Player Agent. Items such as allergies, eye problems, diabetes, etc., will be kept confidential, except that your child's manager and coach will be aware of any potential problem."

Medical Approval and Release

Although not required, the Medical Approval and Release form is provided to all managers. This form contains vital information regarding the child's current general health, the child's doctor's name, address, and phone number, and any other special medical considerations (i.e. allergies, etc.). Managers are strongly encouraged to obtain a completed Release for each of the players on their team and are instructed to have these forms with them for every practice and game.

Communicable Disease Procedures

While the risk of one participant infecting another with HIV/AIDS during league activities is small, there is a remote risk other blood borne infectious disease can be transmitted. Procedures for reducing the potential for transmission of infectious agents should include, but not limited to the following:

  • Bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered and if there is any excess amount of blood on the uniform, it must be changed before an athlete may participate.
  • Routine use of gloves or other precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated.
  • Immediately wash hands and other skin surfaces if contaminated (in contact) with blood or other body fluids. Wash hands immediately after removing gloves.
  • Clean all blood-contaminated surfaces and equipment with a solution made from a proper dilution of household bleach or other disinfectant before competition resumes.
  • Practice proper disposal procedures to prevent injuries caused by needles and other sharp instruments or devices.
  • Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the need for emergency mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices should be available for use.
  • Managers, coaches, umpires, and volunteers with bleeding or oozing skin should refrain from all direct athletic care until condition is resolved.
  • Contaminated towels should be disposed of or disinfected properly.
  • Follow acceptable guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and when handling bloody dressings and other articles containing body fluids.


Training Opportunities

Kensington Little League Baseball will hold two first aid safety classes and three fundamentals training classes in 2008.

These will be on-going each year and will require at least one manager/coach from each team to attend.

All managers and coaches are required to attend a safety and a fundamentals training once every three years.

Parents and “part-time” coaches are encouraged to attend as well.

For 2006 these will be held at the following locations and dates –

  • Safety Classes:

o    May 1, 2008 & May 3, 2008 at McCarthy Park.

  • Baseball Training & Fundamentals Classes:

o    Feb. 13, 2008, March 12, 2008, April 16, 2008… Locations and times to be determined

Additionally, KLLB will host a Safety Information table at Opening Day Ceremonies on May 17. 2008. The Buffalo Fire Department will provide basic info on first aid, home and recreational safety awareness and other misc. safety and first aid materials.

Emergency Phone Numbers for Safety Plan

Police Department

Phone Number

Police Emergency #


Buffalo Police Department Non-Emergency #:

(716) 851-4416

Board Of Directors Names And Numbers For Safety Plan



Phone Number

Jerry Bailey, Jr



Mary Nathan

1st Vice President


Leah Hunter

2nd Vice President


Cynthia Gibbs

Safety Officer


Safety Officer Phone Numbers for Safety Plan

Cynthia Gibbs

Phone Number

Daytime, Evening & Weekends




Manager's Expectations

What Do I Expect from My Players?

  • Be on time for all practices and games.
  • Always do their best whether in the field or on the bench.
  • Be cooperative at all times and share team duties.
  • Respect not only others, but themselves as well.
  • Be positive with teammates at all times.
  • Try not to become upset at their mistakes or those of others ... we will all make our share this year and we must support one another.
  • Understand that winning is only important if you can accept losing, as both are important parts of any sport.

What Can You and Your Child Expect from Me?

  • Be on time for all practices and games.
  • Be as fair as possible in giving playing time to all players.
  • Do my best to teach the fundamentals of the game.
  • Be positive and respect each child as an individual.
  • Set reasonable expectations for each child and for the season.
  • Teach the players the value of winning and losing.
  • Be open to ideas, suggestions or help.
  • Never holler at any member of my team, the opposing team or umpires. Any confrontation will be handled in a respectful, quiet and individual manner.

What Do I Expect from You as Parents and Family?

  • Come out and enjoy the game. Cheer to make all players feel important.
  • Allow me to coach and run the team.
  • Try not to question my leadership. All players will make mistakes and so will I.
  • Do not holler at me, the players or the umpires. We are all responsible for setting examples for our children. We must be the role models in society today. If we eliminate negative comments, the children will have an opportunity to play without any unnecessary pressures and will learn the value of sportsmanship.
  • If you wish to question my strategies or leadership, please do not do so in front of the players or fans. My phone number will be available for you to call at any time if you have a concern. It will also be available if you wish to offer your services at practice. A helping hand is always welcome.

Finally, don't expect the majority of children playing Little League baseball to have strong skills. We hear all our lives that we learn from our mistakes. Let's allow them to make their mistakes, but always be there with positive support to lift their spirits.

Some Important Do's and Don'ts


  • Reassure and aid children who are injured, frightened, or lost.
  • Provide, or assist in obtaining, medical attention for those who require it.
  • Know your limitations.
  • Carry your first-aid kit to all games and practices.
  • Keep your "Prevention and Emergency Management of Little League Baseball and Softball Injuries" booklet with your first-aid kit.
  • Assist those who require medical attention - and when administering aid, remember to ...
  • LOOK for signs of injury (Blood, Black-and-blue deformity of joint etc.).
  • LISTEN to the injured describe what happened and what hurts if conscious. Before questioning, you may have to calm and soothe an excited child.
  • FEEL gently and carefully the injured area for signs of swelling, or grating of broken bone.
  • Have your players' Medical Clearance Forms with you at all games and practices.
  • Make arrangements to have a cellular phone available when your game or practice is at a facility that does not have any public phones.


  • Administer any medications
  • Provide any food or beverages (other than water)
  • Hesitate in giving aid when needed
  • Be afraid to ask for help if you're not sure of the proper procedures (i.e., CPR, etc.)
  • Transport injured individuals except in extreme emergencies
  • Leave an unattended child at a practice or game
  • Hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the Safety Officer immediately.

Lightning Evacuation Procedures

  • Stop Game/Practice.
  • Stay away from metal fencing (including dugouts) !!
  • Do not hold a metal bat.
  • Walk, don't run to car and wait for a decision on whether or not to continue the game or practice.

Lightning Facts and Safety Procedures



Consider the following facts:

  • The average lightning stroke is 6 - 8 miles long.
  • The average thunderstorm is 6 -10 miles wide and travels at a rate of 25 miles per hour.

Once the leading edge of a thunderstorm approaches to within 10 miles, you are at immediate risk due to the possibility of lightning strokes coming from the storm’s overhanging anvil cloud (for example, the lightning that injured 13 people during a concert at RFK during 1999 occurred while it was sunny and dry).

On the average, thunder can only be heard over a distance of 3 - 4 miles, depending on humidity, terrain, and other factors. This means that by the time you hear the thunder, you are already in the risk area for lightning strikes.

“Flash-Bang” Method

One way of determining how close a recent lightning strike is to you is called the “flash-bang” method. With the “flash-bang” method, a person counts the number of seconds between the sight of a lightning strike and the sound of thunder that follows it. Halt-play and evacuation should be called for when the count between the lightning flash and the sound of its thunder is 15 seconds or less.

Rule of Thumb

The ultimate truth about lightning is that it is unpredictable and cannot be prevented. Therefore, a manager, coach, or umpire who feels threatened by an approaching storm should stop play and get the kids to safety - regardless of whether or not the lightning detector goes off, or if the “flash-bang” proximity measure applies. When in doubt, the following rule of thumb should be applied:

Where To Go

No place is absolutely safe from the lightning threat, but some places are safer than others. Large enclosed shelters (substantially constructed buildings) are the safest (like our snack bars and press boxes). For the majority of participants, the best area for them to seek shelter is in a fully enclosed metal vehicle with the windows rolled up. If you are stranded in an open area and cannot get to shelter in a car, put your feet together, crouch down, and put your hands over your ears (to try and prevent eardrum damage).

Where Not To Go!

Avoid high places and open fields, isolated trees, unprotected gazebos, rain or picnic shelters, dugouts, flagpoles, light poles, bleachers (metal or wood), metal fences, and water.

First Aid to a Lightning Victim

Typically, the lightning victim exhibits similar symptoms as that of someone suffering from a heart attack. In addition to calling 911, the rescuer should consider the following:

  • The first tenet of emergency care is “make no more casualties”. If the victim is in a high-risk area (open field, isolated tree, etc.) the rescuer should determine if movement from that area is necessary - lightning can and does strike the same place twice. If the rescuer is at risk, and movement of the victim is a viable option, it should be done.
  • If the victim is not breathing, start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If it is decided to move the victim, give a few quick breaths prior to moving them.
  • Determine if the victim has a pulse. If no pulse is detected, start cardiac compressions as well.

Note: CPR should only be administered by a person knowledgeable and trained in the technique.

Keep It Clean: Concession Stand Tips

‘12 Steps to Safe and Sanitary Food Service Events’.

The following information is intended to help you run a healthful concession stand. Following these simple guidelines will help minimize the risk of food borne illness. This information was provided by District Administrator John Chadwick, and is excerpted from “Food Safety Hints”

  1. Menu. Keep your menu simple, and keep potentially hazardous foods (meats, eggs, dairy products, protein salads, cut fruits and vegetables, etc.) to a minimum. Avoid using precooked foods or leftovers. Use only foods from approved sources, avoiding foods that have been prepared at home. Complete control over your food, from source to service, is the key to safe, sanitary food service.
  2. Cooking. Use a food thermometer to check on cooking and holding temperatures of potentially hazardous foods. All potentially hazardous foods should be kept at 41º F or below (if cold) or 140º F or above (if hot). Ground beef and ground pork products should be cooked to an internal temperature of 155º F, poultry parts should be cooked to 165º F. Most food borne illnesses from temporary events can be traced back to lapses in temperature control.
  3. Reheating. Rapidly reheat potentially hazardous foods to 165º F. Do not attempt to heat foods in crock pots, steam tables, over sterno units or other holding devices. Slow-cooking mechanisms may activate bacteria and never reach killing temperatures.
  4. Cooling and Cold Storage. Foods that require refrigeration must be cooled to 41º F as quickly as possible and held at that temperature until ready to serve. To cool foods down quickly, use an ice water bath (60% ice to 40% water), stirring the product frequently, or place the food in shallow pans no more than 4 inches in depth and refrigerate. Pans should not be stored one atop the other and lids should be off or ajar until the food is completely cooled. Check the temperature periodically to see if the food is cooling properly. Allowing hazardous foods to remain unrefrigerated for too long has been the number ONE cause of food borne illness.
  5. Hand Washing. Frequent and thorough hand washing remains the first line of defense in preventing food borne disease. The use of disposable gloves can provide an additional barrier to contamination, but they are no substitute for hand washing! Signs will be posted in all restrooms reminding all volunteers to wash hands.
  6. Health and Hygiene. Only healthy workers should prepare and serve food. Anyone who shows symptoms of disease (cramps, nausea, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, jaunt-dice, etc.) or who has open sores or infected cuts on the hands should not be allowed in the food concession area. Workers should wear clean outer garments and should not smoke in the concession area. The use of hair restraints is recommended to prevent hair ending up in food products.
  7. Food Handling. Avoid hand contact with raw, ready-to-eat foods and food contact surfaces. Use an acceptable dispensing utensil to serve food. Touching food with bare hands can transfer germs to food.
  8. Dishwashing. Use disposable utensils for food service. Keep your hands away from food contact surfaces, and never reuse disposable dishware. Ideally, dishes and utensils should be washed in a four-step process:
    • Washing in hot soapy water;
    • Rinsing in clean water;
    • Chemical or heat sanitizing; and
    • Air drying.
  1. Ice. Ice used to cool cans/bottles should not be used in cup beverages and should be stored separately. Use a scoop to dispense ice; never use the hands. Ice can become contaminated with bacteria and viruses and cause food-borne illness.
  2. Wiping Cloths. Rinse and store your wiping cloths in a bucket of sanitizer (example: 1 gallon of water and ½ teaspoon of chlorine bleach). Change the solution every two hours. Well sanitized work surfaces prevent cross-contamination and discourage flies.
  3. Insect Control and Waste. Keep foods covered to protect them from insects. Store pesticides away from foods. Place garbage and paper wastes in a refuse container with a tight-fitting lid. Dispose of wastewater in an approved method (do not dump it outside). All water used should be potable water from an approved source.
  4. Food Storage and Cleanliness. Keep foods stored off the floor at least six inches. After your event is finished, clean the concession area and discard unusable food

Top Six Problems

From past experience, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list these circumstances as the most likely to lead to illness. Check this list to make sure your concession stand has covered these common causes of food borne illness.

  1. Inadequate cooling and cold holding.
  2. Preparing food too far in advance for service.
  3. Poor personal hygiene and infected personnel.
  4. Inadequate reheating.
  5. Inadequate hot holding.
  6. Contaminated raw foods and ingredients.

Clean Hands for Clean Foods

Since the staff at concession stands may not be professional food workers, it is important that they be thoroughly instructed in the proper method of washing their hands. The following may serve as a guide:

  • Use soap and warm water.
  • Rub your hands vigorously as you wash them.
  • Wash all surfaces including the backs of hands, wrists, between fingers and under fingernails.
  • Rinse your hands well.
  • Dry hands with a paper towel.
  • Turn off the water using a paper towel, instead of your bare hands.
  • Wash your hands in this fashion before you begin work and frequently during the day, especially after performing any of these activities:
    1. After touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed portions of arms.
    2. After using the restroom.
    3. After caring for or handling animals.
    4. After coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue.
    5. After handling soiled surfaces, equipment or utensils.
    6. After drinking, using tobacco, or eating.
    7. During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks.
    8. When switching between working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat food.
    9. Directly before touching ready-to-eat food or food-contact surfaces.
    10. After engaging in activities that contaminate hands.

Storage Shed Procedures

The following applies to all of the storage sheds used by the League and apply to anyone who has been issued a key or code by The League to use those sheds. All individuals with keys or codes to the League equipment sheds (i.e., Managers, Umpires, etc.) are aware of their responsibilities for the orderly and safe storage of rakes, shovels, bases, etc.

Before you use any machinery located in the shed (i.e., lawn mowers, weed whackers, lights, scoreboards, public address systems, etc.) please locate and read the written operating procedures for that equipment.

All chemicals or organic materials stored in the League sheds shall be properly marked and labeled as to its contents. All chemicals or organic materials (i.e., lime, fertilizer, etc.) stored within these equipment sheds will be separated from the areas used to store machinery and gardening equipment (i.e., rakes, shovels, etc.) to minimize the risk of puncturing storage containers. Any witnessed “loose” chemicals or organic materials within these sheds should be cleaned up and disposed of as soon possible to prevent accidental poisoning.

Some gentle reminders

  • Kensington Little League Baseball goes to great lengths to provide as much training and instruction as possible. Attend as many of the clinics as possible.
  • Check the Kensington Little League Baseball Home Page ( frequently. Lots of information and a complete league calendar can be found there and can be a very valuable resource.

Remember, safety is everyone's job. Prevention is the key to reducing accidents to a minimum.  Don't play on a field that is not safe or with unsafe playing equipment. Report all hazardous conditions to the Safety Officer or another Board member immediately. Be sure your players are fully equipped at all times, especially catchers and batters.  And check your team's equipment often.